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Simplifying Regulatory Compliance in 2023
Date: 2023/09/05
Dental | 5 MIN READ
Compliance learning and training is only as difficult as one chooses to make it. Honestly, this goes for so many other things in the life of one’s practice as well. Sometimes it is all about simplification.
If there is one thing that I’ve learned about regulatory compliance in healthcare, it is that there is sometimes no end to the “nebulosity” of these programs. I’ve also learned that the more syllables in the name of the legislation, the more involved implementation and compliance will be. Drop an “and” in the middle and you’ve got yourself a regulatory galaxy to deal with for sure. Seriously, if a feeling of dread doesn’t wash over you when you hear or read the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)” then there may be something amiss.
The reason I mention HIPAA being a nebulous item is mainly because there always seems to be such confusion over the implementation process in dental practice. I like to explain the program in as simple terms as possible, HIPAA is employee training.
How do we go about simplifying a topic like regulatory compliance?
Well, like anything else in life, lean on colleagues, industry experts and folks who have been on both sides of the issues. There is a big difference between “living in the field” versus visiting from time to time.
As an aside, I cannot count how many times I’ve been approached the last few years by doctors and team members who have gone down the DIY path of compliance only to “break trail” and emerge from the forest of compliance bruised, battered and missing a shoe… No harm in exploring, but there is also no harm in knowing when to turn back or hire a guide.
I know we have spent a moment on HIPAA compliance, but I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least mention OSHA, or in other words the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Yes, another “and” with more than enough syllables to keep us twisted for a while. Try to say it three times really quickly, I’ll wait. The federal and various state governments believe that employees are kept safe because of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The truth is that employees are kept safe due to various OSHA safety training classes and the commitment to safety by their employers.
Without boring you with more nebulous details of OSHA compliance certification, I will simply state that there is nothing wrong with exploring what it truly means to be compliant in all these regulatory galaxies. What I will say is that it is really wise to have a guide as things can get confusing out there and it is best to have a professional at your side to ensure you don’t wind up astray from bad information or questionable advice.
Consult with the experts at Smart Training today to learn where your practice stands in the realm of regulatory compliance.
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